The 2024 H2H Walleye League is fast approaching. If you need a little taste of what's to come or need to catch up on some old seasons don't worry they're all available to watch on PHYX.TV!
includes the fox, oconto, peshtigo & menominee
includes the fox, oconto, peshtigo & menominee
Boundaries tbd
Boundaries tbd
1) Biggest target species caught in that match
2) Biggest Dink (up to 15oz)
3) Total number of target species caught, to include Dinks
4) First target species entered into Weighlive,
Dinks included (timestamped from Weighlive)
1) Season Total Weight (STW) - Total weight from the 9 Round Robin weeks
2) Total Caught (TC) - Total number of target species caught in the 9 Round
Robin weeks (including dinks)
3) Season Biggest Fish (SBF) - Biggest target species from the 9 Round Robin weeks
4) Largest Single Day Weight (LDW) - Biggest single day weight from the 9 Round Robin weeks
5) Fish Caught in Match Time (FFC) - First scoreable target species caught in the Round Robin
• 10 Boats (up to 2 anglers) | 4hr (lines in to lines out)
• All matches will take place on Wednesdays (AM matches only)
- No more than 2 matches a month
• No pre-fish limits
• Round Robin season with each BOAT fishing 7-one day matches
• Matches will start in March and go through July
• All matches will be on lake Winnebago or the Bay of Green Bay
• Every fish over 1lb counts
• 3 Subs for the season & original partner must fish in playoffs
• Playoffs - in August
- Top 7 BOATS will qualify for the Playoff Bracket in August
- Top seed from round robin receives first-round bye
- Will be fished over 2 days
- Win/lose record will seed the playoffs